
Raising visibility among policymakers for a biotech leader


The Challenge

When one of the world’s foremost biotechnology leaders was looking for a new and creative way to reach U.S. policymakers and educate them about its commitment to R&D and legacy of groundbreaking discoveries, they turned to POLITICO Focus. Facing a crowded field of competing campaigns, while juggling complex messaging and advocacy goals, Genentech wanted to tell a story that would break through the noise and stand out from the pack. As an organization committed to changing the health care landscape, they wanted to reach key stakeholders in a way that would not only raise the company’s profile but also advance its priorities in Washington.

The Strategy

With the goal of cementing Genentech as a solutions-based health care leader, POLITICO Focus crafted a multimedia-rich digital Q&A experience that convened a dialogue between Genentech and its partners to enhance the company’s reputation and showcase its work in personalized health care.

Leveraging original audio, video and graphics, Focus created a custom brand storytelling hub that dynamically brought to life the Genentech innovators, innovations and policy priorities powering better patient outcomes. The experience employed a modular design that was supplemented by quotes from Genentech CEO Alexander Hardy to deepen engagement.

By showcasing a myriad of voices in a variety of mediums and aligning third-party perspectives with Genentech executives, Focus created a surround sound of messages to reinforce how the company is ushering in a future of better care. This included an exploration of three key narratives: the overall value proposition for personalized care; the role of regulations and policy in personalized health care, and; how cross-sector partnerships are fueling new discoveries.

  • On-page executive interview
  • Multimedia-rich storytelling
  • Custom audio & video
  • Modular design

A Conversation on Policy

POLITICO Focus and Genentech SVP of Access & External Affairs talk privacy solutions and the rising costs of health care.


The Results

Through the production and promotion of Powering a New Era of Personalized Health Care, POLITICO Focus strengthened Genentech’s position as a critical catalyst for the next generation of health care, while championing policies the company believes are needed to realize that future. The dynamic content platform also provided Genentech with a suite of assets to leverage for promotion on its owned channels.

A cornerstone of a multi-channel campaign, the experience surpassed all key performance goals.

  • 6 minutes – average time on page, surpassing goals by 60 percent
  • 40 percent – percentage of video views goal surpassed
  • 2x – how much more likely engaged readers were to feel favorable about Genentech

Reaching the Right Audience

Amplified by a native, newsletter and custom advertising unit promotional campaign, POLITICO Focus engaged critical audiences, who, compared to the average POLITICO audience, were:

more likely to work in 
the health care field 
more likely to 
work in government 
more likely to hold a C-level position
Working with POLITICO was a professional experience from start to finish. The POLITICO Focus team provided clear direction and manageable expectations that ensured an expertly created story. The Q&A experience yielded exceptional results, garnering significant engagement with the audience. Our team was thrilled with the results. Maddie Donnelly Access & External Affairs, Genentech

A Look at the Future of Cancer Care

POLITICO Focus goes inside Foundation Medicine to find out how genomic profiling is revolutionizing treatments and saving lives.

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Find your Focus.

Have a story? We would love to help you tell it. Find out how our team can partner with you to craft brand content that breaks through.

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