The Art of Translation.


Our Audience

Political influencers read POLITICO to get smart. Policymakers depend on POLITICO to do their jobs. And C-Suite executives need to know what’s said in POLITICO to stay ahead.

Whether in the White House, the halls of Congress, state capitals or boardrooms across the country, when it comes to gaining the insights and analysis needed to make decisions, business and policy leaders come to POLITICO first. Here’s a look at this uniquely bipartisan audience.

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of U.S. White House Offices
of Pentagon Offices
of U.S. Senate Offices
of U.S. House Offices
of State Governors’ Offices
of State Legislatures
of Fortune 100 Companies
The White House The White House
The Pentagon The Pentagon
The U.S. Capitol The U.S. Capitol
The Massachusetts State House The Massachusetts State House
The New York Stock Exchange The New York Stock Exchange
The POLITICO Focus team provided clear direction and manageable expectations that ensured an expertly created story…our team was thrilled with the results. Maddie Donnelly Access & External Affairs, Genentech

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